Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Dear residents of Sibu,

Welcome to Sibu Household Composting Project(SHCP) blog.

This page is created solely for the promotion of Household Composting for the benefit of all the residents of Sibu participating in Household Composting as a healthy life style.

欢迎各位亲爱的同胞,此部落客是专为您而设, 旨在推广及鼓励市民积极参与住户堆肥计划。

Organic waste forms a major part of the daily waste stream generated by households. The mixture of organic waste with other recyclable items such as newspapers, aluminium cans, plastics and bottles make it hard for such discarded resources to be efficently recovered.

有机废料如参与其他再循环物品如报纸, 铝制罐子, 塑胶料和瓶子, 将使这些丢弃的资源很难有效的回收。

Since households generates a lot of material, the separation of organic waste material at source should be encouraged.

家居住户制造很多有机废料, 因此人们必须受鼓励从这些丢弃的废料中把有机废料分隔出来。

Thank you for your active participation and wish you sucess!


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